Unifor faculty members interested in expanding their horizons...
...can also partner with NEI. Here’s how:
- Consulting, seminars, conferences, short courses, master's degrees, doctorates and post-doctorates are some of the activities that Unifor professors can carry out internationally;
- The faculty member’s absence from academic activities for this nature must be requested to the Director and/or Coordinator of the respective course;
- When approved, the process must be forwarded to the NEI for monitoring, awareness and cataloging.
What the NEI Faculty Support Does
Faculty activities connect the strengthen their engagement in internationalization efforts Sign up -
the participation of professors in international cooperation networks and in international research networks Sign up -
and assists Unifor professors with academic mobility through interinstitutional agreements Sign up
Docente |
Programa |
Título do projeto |
Pesquisador estrangeiro |
Instituição vinculada |
Josimar Souza Costa | MPA | Isis Ia: Solução De Predição De Custos Logísticos Na Cadeia De Suprimento Global Do Mercado De Polpas De Fruta Na Indústria Alimentícia | Prof. Dr. Alexandre Lobo | (Laboratório De Neurociência Aplicada (Lan/Usj)) - Universidade San José (Macau) |
Cristina Maria Aleme Romcy | MPCC | Livinglab Sustentabilidade Na Cidade: Laboratório De Inovação E Impacto Social | Marco Maio | Czech Tchnical University In Prague |
Sheila Cavalcante Pitombeira | MPCC | Livinglab Sustentabilidade Na Cidade: Laboratório De Inovação E Impacto Social | Marco Maio | Czech Tchnical University In Prague |
André Soares Lopes | MPCC | Transporte Público No Acesso Equitativo E Sustentável Às Oportunidades Nas Metrópoles Brasileiras (Redetp@Acesso) | Rosário Macário | Universidade De Lisboa Faculdade De Arquitectura, Portugal |
Clarissa Ribeiro | MPCC | Arte Performativa E Pelas Humanidades Digitais, Tem Um Grande Interesse Nas Dinâmicas De Informação E Comunicação Em Escala Cruzada Que Influenciam O Comportamento Humano-Não-Humano E Outros Macrofenómenos, Explorando A Visualização De Informação Em Estratégias Morfológicas Disruptivas Em Projetos Recentes. | Roy Ascott | Studio Advanced Program In Technoetic Arts Siv Shanghai Institute Of Visual Arts |
Eduardo Diogo Gurgel Filho | MPO | Avaliação Da Resposta Inflamatória Em Tecido Subcutâneo De Ratos De Um Novo Cimento À Base De Fosfato De Cálcio Para Uso Odontológico | Paula Maria Da Costa Torres | Universidade De Aveiro |
Karla Maria Carneiro Rolim Mirna Albuquerque Frota | MPTIE | De L’humanisation Des Soins À L’éthique Du Soin: Soigner, Apprendre Le Soin, Un Agir Éthique (Apchi) | Nadia Louise Cherchem | Universidade De Rouen |
Karla Maria Carneiro Rolim | MPTIE | Promoção Da Saúde Nas Famílias Com Jovens Universitários: Comportamentos De Saúde E Sociais | Henriqueta Ilda Verganista Martins Fernandes. Luísa Maria Andrade. Ana Isabel Cobo Cuenca. Luis Carvalho Da Graça. Maria Isabel Bica Carvalho Costa | Escola Superior De Enfermagem Do Porto / Escola Superior De Saúde De Viana Do Castelo / Escola Superior De Saúde De Viseu / Universidade De Castilla De La Mancha. |
Raimunda Magalhães Da Silva | MPTIE | Análise Dos Cuidados De Gestantes E Puérperas De Alto Risco | Maria Helena Carvalho Valente Presado | Escola Superior De Enfermagem Da Universidade De Lisboa |
Mirna Albuquerque Frota | MPTIE | De L’humanisation Des Soins À L’éthique Du Soin: Soigner, Apprendre Le Soin, Un Agir Éthique (Apchi) | Nadia Louise Cherchem | Universidade De Rouen |
José Milton De Sousa Filho | PPGA/MPA | Social Entrepreneurial Intentions In The Latin America Context | Saulo Barbosa E Maria Granados | Emlyon Business School E University Of Westminster. |
Afonso Carneiro Lima | PPGA/MPA | Institutional Strategies And Firm Growth In Latin America | Prof. Dr. Mike W. Peng | University Of Texas |
Afonso Carneiro Lima | PPGA/MPA | Cluster Mapping And Economic Development | Prof. Dr. Pablo Nuño De La Parra | Universidad Popular Autonoma De Puebla |
Danielle Malta Lima E Keny Colares | PPGCM | Vigilância De Síndrome Febril Aguda Indeterminada: Caracterização Etiológica, Epidemiológica, Clínica E Laboratorial | Victor Hugo Aquino | Universidade Nacional De Assunção |
Cristiana Libardi Miranda Furtado | PPGCM | Pesquisa Translacional No Estudo Do Câncer De Pênis: Abordagem (Epi)Genômica Para Identificação De Marcadores De Prognóstico E Alvos Terapêuticos | Timothy Gerald Jenkins | Brigham Young University |
Cristiana Libardi Miranda Furtado | PPGCM | Metilação Do Dna E Inativação Do Cromossomo X Em Mulheres Com Síndrome Do Ovário Policístico Submetidas A Diferentes Protocolos De Treinamento Físico | Timothy Gerald Jenkins | Brigham Young University |
Cristiana Libardi Miranda Furtado | PPGCM | Pesquisa Translacional No Estudo Do Câncer De Pênis: Abordagem (Epi)Genômica Para Identificação De Marcadores De Prognóstico E Alvos Terapêuticos | Kenneth Ivan Aston | University Of Utah |
Cristiana Libardi Miranda Furtado | PPGCM | Metilação Do Dna E Inativação Do Cromossomo X Em Mulheres Com Síndrome Do Ovário Policístico Submetidas A Diferentes Protocolos De Treinamento Físico | Kenneth Ivan Aston | University Of Utah |
Geraldo Bezerra Da Silva Junior | PPGCM | Renal Health: A New Application For Detecting Risk For Chronic Kidney Disease And Increasing Patients' Adherence To Treatment Through Self- Monitoring | Marjan Askari | Erasmus University |
Geraldo Bezerra Da Silva Junior | PPGCM | Investigação De Novos Biomarcadores De Lesão Renal E Inflamação Em Pacientes Vítimas De Intoxicações | Nicholas Buckley | University Of Sydney |
Ana Maria D’avila Lopes | PPGD | Intransição democrática, violência e direitos humanos | 1. Pablo Perel – Universidad De Buenos Aires – Argentina 2. Felipe Paredes – Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales Da Universidad Austral – Chileno 3. Federico Di Bernardi – Universidad De La Plata – Argentina 4. José Luis Caballero – Universidade Iberoamericana Da Cidade Do Méxino – Mexicano 5. Elizabeth Salmón – Pontificia Universidad Católicxa Del Perú – Peruana | Universidad De Buenos Aires – Argentina Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales Da Universidad Austral – Chileno Universidad De La Plata – Argentinauniversidade Iberoamericana Da Cidade Do Méxino – Mexicanopontificia Universidad Católicxa Del Perú – Peruana |
Antonio Jorge | PPGD | Autonomia Privada E Liberdade Religiosa | (Prof. Rafael Domingos Osle) Estados Unidos | Elmory University |
Antonio Jorge | PPGD | Autonomia privada e ordem economica constitucional: perspectiva civil,comercial e constitucional. | (Prof. Carlos Martinez De Aguirre) – Espanha. Universidade De Zaragoza (Profa. Ursula Basset) – Argentina Na Temática De Direito De Família. Unievrsidad Católica Argentina | Universidade De Zaragoza, Unievrsidad Católica Argentina |
Antonio Jorge | PPGD | Metodologia Do Ensino Jurídico | Prof. Juan Cianciardo | Universidad De Navarra |
NEI assists with all processes to streamline the departure of Unifor professors to institutions abroad
Frequently Asked Questions
What must the professor fulfill to have an international experience?
Observe the rules, deadlines, flows and procedures established for requests for leave;
Arrange for obtaining and adequately organizing the documentation required to request participation in the international activity;
If the documentation is in a foreign language, it must be translated into Portuguese;
Submit the required report upon returning to Unifor.
How far in advance should a travel request be made?
When considering the start date of the leave, travel requests requiring the purchase of air tickets must be submitted at least 90 calendar days in advance;
Planning and prior approval by the course coordinator in the semester are preferred items;
For requests not requiring the purchase of air tickets, submission must occur at least 30 calendar days in advance;
To enable the leave, the faculty member must complete the Pre-Trip Report and the Post-Trip Report. Both are available on Unifor Online - "Services" tab. Pipefy.
What if I hold a leadership position at Unifor?
Don’t worry, the process is simple. You should submit the request for leave to the President´s Office for a deliberation decision on appointing a temporary substitute.
The rule applies to faculty members holding leadership positions, gratified functions, center directors, or course coordinators – including as a temporary substitute.
What if I am a foreign professor wanting to have an experience at Unifor, how should I proceed?
The International Faculty Reception Program, coordinated by the Rector’s Office in partnership with NEI, is responsible for receiving visiting professors.
The minimum period for faculty members in this category is one academic semester at each of the Unifor Science Centers, in various graduate programs, and in the activities of the Vice-Rector’s Office for Research.
The Unifor Science Centers are - Health Sciences Center, Technological Sciences Center, Legal Sciences Center, and Communication and Management Sciences Center.
What are the conditions to host an International Professor at Unifor?
Prior establishment of an Academic Cooperation Agreement with the foreign educational institution from which the visiting professor originates;
This agreement should include provisions for temporary faculty mobility.
Selection of the visiting professor through a specific public selection notice.
What are the eligibility criteria for the International Professor?
Hold a PhD.
Have recognized expertise and experience in the relevant field of study, as well as scientific and technological involvement in research activities, especially in the last five years;
Actively work abroad;
Dedicate themselves to the activities planned by Unifor, as outlined in the Work Plan presented and approved;
Teach courses, give lectures, and guide Unifor students in participating in research activities;
Be in regular status in the country.
Once selected, the International Professor will receive an acceptance letter issued by the Rector’s Office at Unifor. This letter will include acceptance of the International Faculty Reception Program, the period of stay, and the activities to be carried out during their time at Unifor.
What are Unifor's obligations in the International Faculty Reception Program?
International economy class airfare for the professor;
International health insurance for the entire period in which the professor will work at Unifor;
Transfer upon arrival and return to Fortaleza International Airport;
Accommodation provided by Unifor.
Monthly salary or amount established based on the number of hours of the course to be taught.
What are the obligations of the International Professor?
Teach, in a foreign language, a course or special interdisciplinary seminars as an elective for the undergraduate courses in the Science Center to which they will be assigned;
Teach a course for the graduate program in which the professor will be involved; Participate in activities related to the Research Programs of the Vice-Rector’s Office for Research at Unifor;
Organize or participate in an international event open to the Unifor university community;
At the end of their stay at Unifor, publish at least one internationally relevant article in an indexed journal, preferably in partnership with a Unifor professor;
Complete the required reports before, during, and after their stay as a Visiting Professor at Unifor;
Submit the teaching plan and descriptions of all activities they intend to develop during their stay at Unifor in advance.
Those who have expanded their horizons highly recommend it:
“Unifor, through NEI, has been working to strengthen the exchange of experiences among students and professors who engage in studies, research, and participate in events abroad, contributing to the development of both faculty and students.”
Marcelo Dias Ponte
Law Professor, Unifor
"At the University of Czestochowa in Poland, I expanded my academic and cultural horizons, contributed with numerous articles to the international community, and taught in countries such as Russia, India, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic."
Sidney Soares Filho
Law Professor, Unifor
“Students travel not only to study but also to immerse themselves in a broader context, especially in terms of resilience and adaptability to a new reality.”
Ana Rita Pinheiro
Coordinator of International Trade, Unifor