Who makes up the administrative and technical staff at Unifor?
They are the employees who carry out activities through the University of Fortaleza, holding positions at higher education, technical, and support levels.
Internationalization for the University's technical-administrative staff takes place through policies, projects and actions coordinated by the Human Resources Department (DRH) by focusing on internationalization at home;
NEI's task is to encourage the participation of Unifor employees in projects offered by DRH;
Promoting staff mobility opportunities at partner institutions abroad is also part of the NEI's mission.
Prof. Gina Pompeu
Coordinator of NEI
Contact: +55 85 3477-3405
Cremilda Moreira
Internationalization of Professors
Contact: +55 85 3477-3405
Lina Sena
Student Mobility / EducationUSA
Contact: +55 85 3477-3481
linapsena@unifor.br, educationusa@unifor.br
Giselle Viana
Student Mobility
Contact: +55 85 3477-3127
Rayanne Bezerra
Student Mobility / EducationUSA
Contact: +55 85 3477-3481
Ana Gabriela Falcão
International Projects
Contact: +55 85 3477-3834
Brito Junior
International Agreements
Contact: +55 85 3477-3834
Edson Queiroz Foundation
Lenise Queiroz Rocha
Vice President
Manoela Queiroz Bacelar
University of Fortaleza
Randal Martins Pompeu
Vice-President of Undergraduate and Graduate Education
Maria Clara Cavalcante Bugarim
Vice-President of Research
José Milton de Sousa Filho
Vice-President of Administration
José Maria Gondim Felismino Júnior
Vice-President of Extension and University Community
Adriana Helena Santos Moreira da Silva
Directorate of Communication and Marketing
Ana Leopoldina M. Quezado V. Vale
Planning Directorate
Marcelo Nogueira Magalhães
Directorate of Information Technology
Adriano Batista de Araújo Honorato
Directorate of Graduate Programs
Christina César Praça Brasil
Center for International Strategies
- +55 (85) 3477-3834
- nei@unifor.br
- Rectory - 1st Floor